Just over a year ago we shared with you our goal for achieving Net Zero Energy, and we are very pleased to share with you that we have exceeded our goal of Net Zero and were Net Positive producing more than 12 Mega watt hours of clean renewable energy!
We started first by reducing our use, replacing light fixtures, lamps and pumps, plug load management, behavior change, and appliance replacement. We then designed and installed a PV system that would help us achieve our Net Zero goal based on our reduced demand. Because we were able to produce more power than we used, we will be receiving a rebate from SDG&E for our annual net metering reconciliation. Being paid to produce power does feel pretty good, and the power is clean and renewable – a win for everyone!
We are very thankful to everyone who helped us meet and exceed our goal. We are proud to say our panels were made in the USA, and our solar partner was Petersen Dean, who did an excellent job for us.
#gosolar #netzero #netpositive #energy #sustainability #davisconsultingca #petersendean #madeintheusa #renewableenergy #powerofthesun #freeelectricity #sdge #solarpanels